Lent & holy week
Join us during the season of Lent March 5 - April 20, as we venture to the cross of Christ. Lent is the church season that leads us to Holy Week. Easter Sunday is April 20.
Worship & Pray
…during midweek Lent worship, Wednesdays, 7:00-7:30PM, in the CLC sanctuary. Hear reflections from CLC members, participate in interactive prayer stations, and partake in Holy Communion. All are welcome!
…by contributing to our congregation’s collection of items for “Health Kits” for Church on the Street, a ministry of the South Dakota Synod (ELCA) in the Sioux Falls area.
Brewed Theology
Looking for connections and community? Us, too.
Join us for this crafted conversation each month on topics where faith and culture intersect. Gather in downtown Canton with other friendly folk for each 60-minute guided conversation. We’ll meet in groups of 3-6 people, with a large-group wrap-up to conclude each time. And don’t worry, Brewed Theology’s structure moves forward conversation without soapboxing or awkward silences, offering time to foster quality dialogue. So, grab your favorite beverage, and sit down for a chat.
Our first two gatherings (January 23 & February 13) were awesome. Don’t miss our next one!
Next Gathering
Date & Time: Thursday, March 27th at 7:00PM
Location: The Wheel Public House
(223 E. 5th St., Canton) Age 21 & up
“Connecting all generations to Christ and community”
is our mission together.
And, “All are welcome!”
We strive to live by those words as a congregation, seeking God’s grace along the way. Whether you are looking for a faith community to call home, want some spiritual direction, or are simply curious, we’re glad you’re here.