CLC Flood 2024
In mid-June 2024 Canton Lutheran Church (CLC) had concluded an amazing week of Vacation Bible School for our children, partnering with our neighbors from Grand Valley Lutheran Church. And then the rain began to fall…and it did not stop for days… 18+ inches of rain fell on the Canton area in a 48 hour span.
Many parts of southeast South Dakota and northwest Iowa were devastated by flooding, including Canton and the surrounding rural area. This flood significantly damaged the lower level of the CLC building, including our main fellowship hall, main kitchen, and mechanical room. CLC has supported generation upon generation, all who consider this space and community sacred. This beautiful space serves as one instrument of God’s work in our community and world. This resilient group of faithful folk has survived and thrived beyond multiple challenges, including a major flood 10 years ago in the summer of 2014, ever buoyed by Christ’s love. We know that God remains with us in the flood and post-flood!
We are grateful for God’s presence in the form of our steadfast ministry partners. In particular the South Dakota Synod (ELCA regional office) and ELCA Disaster Response have been monumentally supportive! Love INC (Canton area church non-profit) and many regional ELCA congregations have shown hands of grace as well.
And physical building progress is being made: Through the strong effort and leadership of the CLC Building Committee electrical work is almost complete in the lower fellowship hall, framing work continues, new radiators for the lower level have been installed and the heating system is soon back online. We are exceedingly fortunate that our building avoided greater crisis, in large part due to the quick decision-making of CLC lay leadership and staff.
A Vision Task Force has been formed, is meeting, and requests input from the congregation.
Listening sessions (Both sessions taking place in CLC library/upstairs fellowship hall):
Sunday, Feb. 2, at 11:00AM
Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at 6:00PM
This will be a long road of recovery. Yet CLC continues to prove to be a faith community of dedicated, resilient members and friends who are ever strengthened by God.
You may ask: How can I help CLC in flood recovery and in our ministry?
Be in prayer for those effected by flooding and fire in various parts of the United States.
Contact the CLC office or Pastor Jon Splichal-Larson for other ways you and your group can be of help. Thank you for your support!
Office Phone: 605-764-2429
Office Email:
Pastor Jon email:
On Sunday, October 6th, Pastor Jon and 3 others biked the 24 miles from Sioux Falls to Canton Lutheran Church (CLC) for worship.
25+ other bikers of all ages joined the ride at The Canton Barn and biked into town as a fun and active way of supporting CLC’s flood recovery and engaging in the Canton community. God continues to guide our historic, 156-year-old congregation (original building cornerstone 1908) into the next chapter of ministry and mission in our community and beyond.
Thank you for your support and prayers. Thank you especially to Spoke & Sport Bikes (loaning a bike to Pastor Jon), The Canton Barn (using their parking lot), Sergeant Leegard from the Canton Police, Parker from Dakota News Now for the 2 featured TV stories, the bikers (Melinda, Kari, Brendan) and drivers (Brent, Kasen, Dave), those who biked into town, and the many who donated to the cause. God is guiding us!
Between the GoFundMe page and other donations, CLC raised almost $12,000. Thank you for your generosity!