Faith Formation
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Theme: “GLOW” (Go Light Our World)
We had an amazing week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) adventure in faith last summer, and we’re gearing up for another great week this June 2025! We are again grateful to
partner with Grand Valley Lutheran Church.
VBS included activities, Bible stories, crafts, music, science experiments, games, and outdoor fun!
Dates: June 2nd-5th, 8:00-noon each day
Ages: Kinder-prep through 5th grade
Location: Canton Lutheran Church
End of the week program on Thursday, June 5th, at Grand Valley Lutheran Church
Wednesday Night meals
Come for food and community! We invite you to join us for dinner each Wednesday evening (When SONday School & Confirmation are taking place). This free meal is served to CLC members and guests from 5:30-6:45PM in the upstairs fellowship hall/library, and you are welcome. Join us for delicious food, a respite after a full day, and good conversation with other individuals and families. And you are invited to help serve, too. Click button below, or contact the CLC office to help serve.
Brewed Theology
Join us for this crafted conversation each month on topics where faith and culture intersect. Gather in downtown Canton with other friendly folk for each 60-minute guided conversation. We’ll meet in groups of 3-6 people, with a large-group wrap-up to conclude each time. And don’t worry, Brewed Theology’s structure shapes and moves conversation without soapboxing or awkward silences, offering time to foster quality dialogue.
Our first gatherings (January 23, February 13, March 27) were filled with great conversation and camaraderie. You don’t want to miss our next one!
Next Gatherings
Dates & Times: Thursday, April 24th, 7:00-8:00PM
Location: The Wheel Public House
(223 E. 5th St., Canton)
Age 21 & up
Weekly Bible Study
Wanting something deeper, and Bible focused? Come to CLC each Wednesday morning for small-group, guided conversation around scripture passages using lectionary readings (chosen readings that correspond with readings from Sunday & Wednesday worship services).
When: Wednesdays at 9:00AM
Where: CLC Library/Small Dinning Room
Faith Fest middle school retreat at Augustana University
Sonday School
All children who are 3 years of age through Grade 6 are invited to come on Wednesday nights for SONday School at CLC. Members and non-members are welcome. Classes meet from 6:00-6:50 PM weekly during the program/school year, when school is in session. Contact the CLC office for more info.
Confirmation is a Christian education program designed for 7th and 8th grade students to develop and nurture their faith through spiritual practices, prayer, the study of the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism. Confirmands take part in worship, service to the church and the community, and build relationships with one another. Confirmation is a 2+ year program that meets during the academic school year on Wednesday evenings, 6:00–6:45 PM. Parents are invited to participate 4-6 times each year. 9th grade students are paired with a mentor during Sept.-Oct.
TABERNACLE - high school youth group
Wednesday Nights 8:00-9:30PM, Grades 9-12, in CLC Youth Room.
We build on your faith with Jesus by fostering relationships with the church, your peers, and your community. Remembering faith, fun, and flexibility keeps us focused and inviting. Food, games, discussion, field trips, and whatever God leads us, too, will be part of the curriculum. Bring your smile and your open heart to dive in a little deeper in your faith! Contact the CLC Youth Director, Cami, at
ELCA Youth Gathering
“Created to be…”
Our Tabernacle High School youth group took part in this summer’s 2024 ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Youth Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana. What an amazing week of faith formation, relationship building, and connection to the larger church and world! Drawing from Psalm 139, our group learned how God creates us to be brave, authentic, free, and disruptive; and God sends us out as disciples of Jesus. We connected with youth from across the ELCA and world, while engaging with the culture of New Orleans…and having a ton of fun along the way, too!
daily faith life
God intends faith and baptism to be a daily walk, through our entire life. God invites each of us on this journey. Here is a short video of simple faith practices you can incorporate into your daily and weekly life as a person and/or as a family unit, helping us to remember all that God has done for us, and to show God’s blessing to others.
Confirmation Camp
Each summer students in middle school, grades 6-8, are invited to go with Pastor Jon to NeSoDak Lutheran Bible Camp (near Waubay, SD) in early June. Our youth join with other youth from around the region for an awesome week of fun on the water and growing in faith.
Contact the CLC office for more info.