
You, who are reading this, are welcome to come and join us in our worship service
and in our shared work!

Worship is central to our life together as the Body of Christ. Worship happens in the assembly of all believers among whom the Gospel is preached and the holy sacraments (Holy Communion and Holy Baptism) are administered. Assembly expresses well the nature of the church as ecclesia, a biblical term that means "called out". The common pattern for worship explains this understanding of the church: The Holy Spirit gathers the people of God around Jesus Christ present in the Word of God and the Sacraments. The people hear the Good News of Jesus Christ; learn about the meaning of his life and teachings. Inspired by God’s Word embodied in Jesus, nourished and strengthened by the power of the sacraments, the people of God are then sent into the world to imitate Christ and live out Christ’s commandment to love their neighbors as Christ loved them.

Lent and holy week

Join us on Wednesdays, 7:00-7:30PM, during the season of Lent for midweek worship; March 5, 12, 19, and April 2. These worship services will feature a CLC member sharing a reflection, prayer stations, and Holy Communion. All are welcome!

Wednesday, April 9, is our CLC spring clean-up day, both indoor and outdoor tasks, prior to Holy Week. Meal at 5:30PM, and clean-up from 6:00-8:00PM. Again, all are welcome.

Worship Service times

Sunday, 9:45-10:45 AM - A traditional, blended worship service in the CLC sanctuary.
Worship on Wednesday (W.O.W.), 7:00-7:30 PM - A casual, blended worship service in the CLC sanctuary, September - May.

Holy Communion is served at all worship services, and all are welcome to receive.

Online Worship

Join us each Sunday for worship either in-person or online. Find our online worship services, concerts, and other events by clicking this button.

Children in Worship

We want children in worship. Period.
Worship is a key piece in the faith formation of people of all ages. Children are welcome to participate in EVERY part of worship, including the Children’s Sermon and Holy Communion. At CLC young people often help with scripture readings, prayers, and more. Studies tell us that the most accurate indicator of worship participation as an located at the sanctuary entrances, are also available for our younger kids.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated at almost every worship service. ALL are welcome to come to the Lord's Supper, as this is Christ’s table. God's forgiveness is offered to us in the bread and wine so we come to the table recognizing our shortcomings and leave the table fully forgiven. No obligation or pressure, simply an open table. First Communion classes are scheduled with Pastor Jon Splichal-Larson who can be contacted by email: pastorjon.sl@gmail.com

Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is NOT water only but water used together with God's word and by God’s promise. Baptism is a gift that God wants to freely give; it is a gift of God that creates new being. Luther's Large Catechism says that "baptism is not a work that we do, but it is a treasure that God gives us and that faith grasps." Baptism is one of the great joys of a worshipping community. We celebrate this gift in daily remembrance of our baptism in that we recall that through daily repentance and forgiveness we are free to live abundantly in Christ. If you desire to be baptized or have your child baptized, please contact the CLC office. Phone: 605-764-2429
Email: clc@cantonlutheran.net


Adult Choir

The Gospel Choir performs once a month during Sunday worship service (9:45 AM) in the fall, winter, and spring. Choir practice is held most Wednesday evenings in the CLC Bethlehem Chapel at 7:45 PM.

Each year the choir leads a wonderful Christmas Cantata in mid-December. 2024 performances were December 14 & 15, 2024. This is open to any and all community members.

Guitar Lessons

Join us this fall for beginner level group guitar lessons with Pastor Jon Wednesday evenings in the CLC sanctuary.
Fall lessons were: September 25 - November 20.

These lessons are free of charge and intended for beginners, using folk acoustic guitars. We will cover some of the basics of playing rhythm, acoustic guitar...hopefully even learning a song or two along the way. We’d love to have you!

Kids sing!

Canton Lutheran Church children, age 3 - grade 4, begin with singing at each SONday School gathering on Wednesdays, 6:00-6:10PM. 7th & 8th grade confirmation students actively participate as helpers. The children sing during Worship on Wednesday (W.O.W.), 7:00-7:30PM, 3-4 times per school year. And, also join in a Christmas program in December.

Augustana University Music Ensembles

In recent months Canton Lutheran Church has been honored to host multiple music ensembles from Augustana University in Sioux Falls. Trombones, vocalists, and ukuleles have filled our worship space with heavenly sounds, assisting in the worship of our gracious God. Wonderful music, reviving the soul, accompany our valuable partnership (including a deep history) with our friends at Augustana University!