
Lincoln County Food Pantry

Jesus calls us to “Feed my sheep.” And, people are hungry! The Food Pantry for Lincoln County is housed at Canton Lutheran Church, and we rejoice in this effort. We work with the Canton Area Ministerial Association (congregations in Canton area) and Love INC organizations in distributing nonperishable items to those in need on the first Tuesday of each month, 2:00-4:00PM, at CLC. We invite persons to contact Love INC if you have need on other days.

St. Dysmas Prison Ministry

St. Dysmas is an ELCA congregation located behind the walls of the SD State penitentiary in Sioux Falls as well as other locations. CLC partners with this wonderful organization as we share and experience God’s grace with people.

CLC members gathered for worship with the community of St. Dysmas at SD State Penitentiary, Sioux Falls, on February 27th.

CLC’s Living Nativity, Cantata concert, and soup supper

Canton Lutheran Church’s annual Advent/Christmas tradition happened again this past December 2024! Hundreds gathered to witness the Christmas story acted and sang out, feeling the love of Christ born 2,000 years ago. Our outdoor living nativity, Christmas cantata concert in our sanctuary, and youth soup supper offered many wonderful chances to experience Christ’s birth and love in our lives.

God’s work. Our hands. Sunday of service

During the fall each year CLC joins with many other congregations across our denomination, the ELCA, in service of neighbor. September 2024 we partnered with Good Samaritan Society (Canton) and their “Walk of Ages” fundraising event; Set-up, assisting during the event, and clean-up. We’re excited to continue serving our local community and beyond, committing ourselves to being servants, following in the example of Jesus.

Serve at the banquet

CLC coordinates a variety of wonderful service opportunities in the Canton and Sioux Falls area, including serving at The Banquet, a feeding ministry in Sioux Falls. Most recently CLC served at The Banquet’s downtown location in spring of 2024, and had a blast serving and connecting with guests. Join us in serving our neighbors!

Care Center worship

As an extension of Canton Lutheran Church’s visitation ministry Pastor Jon leads worship services with Holy Communion at Good Samaritan Society (Canton) every 6 weeks, and Hiawatha Heights 2 months each year. CLC and five other congregations in the Canton area rotate to provide this worship opportunity. These offerings allow CLC to support our members and other residents at Good Samaritan Society and Hiawatha Heights.

Prayer requests

CLC always welcomes your prayer requests. Not as a way of keeping people informed about what is happening in the church, but rather to pray for needs and concerns, and to give praises to God.  All prayer requests submitted are kept confidential by those who receive the name or situation for which to pray. However, if you wish to add your prayer to the Prayers of the People section of our weekly worship bulletin please let us know when you submit your prayer request by contacting the church office or by phone or email at (605) 764-2429 or clc@cantonlutheran.net

Note: Because of privacy laws, we can only publically pass on names for someone if asked by a family member or requested by the person themselves.