CLC Christmas eve worship
Emmanuel. God with us. Born to us in Jesus, who is the Christ!
CLC gathered with people throughout the world this year on December 24th for Christmas Eve worship; a service of Holy Communion, festive song, candle light, and the Christmas story from the second chapter of the gospel of Luke. We hear this everlasting story of Christ, born again and again into our weary world because of God’s unending love.
All are welcome!
Christmas Cantata 2024
CLC’s Christmas cantata concert once again amazed those in attendance with beauty and wonder on Dec. 14 & 15, in the CLC Sanctuary. “This is Christmas”, by: Mary McDonald, gave a glimpse into this time-old story of Jesus’ birth into our world and our lives.
You can find the recording of the cantata concert here. Click button below.
Children’s Christmas program
On Wednesday, December 18th, 7:00PM, many gathered in the Canton Lutheran Church sanctuary for our annual tradition of the CLC children’s Advent/Christmas program. It was a time of music, joy, prayer, Holy Communion, and the story of Christmas. And yes, there was PLENTY of joy from our young folk!
Advent/Christmas worship and devotional
“Close to Home” served as our theme for worship services during Advent & Christmas. Beautiful images and concepts guided us through this season of preparation, pondering, and joy. Through the sharing of the SD Synod, CLC members and guests had access to this resource from Sanctified Art for their own personal devotional.
Other individuals & families from across the SD Synod joined together for online devotional conversations during the Advent season.
Kaffe Stue
Many enjoyed the delicious Scandinavian treats and warm drinks served by CLC’s W.E.L.C.A. (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) following Sunday morning Advent worship on December 1st. The CLC Kaffe Stue is a wonderful tradition steeped in heritage and fellowship in our congregation.
CLC High school youth sang in worship
The High School Youth (Tabernacle Youth Group) of Canton Lutheran Church shared an Advent/Christmas song as part of our Advent worship service on Wednesday, December 4th. We are grateful for our awesome young folk, and their sharing of a holiday gift of song.
Christ inspires generosity…
GIVE A GIFT toward a poinsettia plant, the living nativity showing, or the Christmas cantata concert in memory or honor of a loved one. Click the link to the printable form.
GIVE A GIFT to help a family or community near and far have sustainable food for their children to thrive. ELCA Good Gifts is a CLC ministry partner with a very strong reputation for accompanying individuals and communities.